Thursday, September 22, 2011

True Justice or a political agenda?

A noble death?

To look out above the horizon and see nothing and feel nothing and do nothing is to look at the Mr. Troy Davis situation and separate your feelings from yourself and go numb.                    I am afraid that this is not the case; the people in this country did not go numb nor were they absent.       We have some wrong to right from this day forth; we are not the usual type of people to just go off gentle into the night. Americans can be all sorts of evil and make all sorts of mistakes; but they can hold their hearts up out of their chest and show the world that they have one.       In the case of Mr. Troy Davis I can assure you that this is not the end of Mr. Davis, this is only the beginning of a long road of trying to make changes to our still imperfect Legal system.           Americans will band together because they love to have something to fight for together, and they will band to fight for a common cause. It may seem that this will blow over but there are people who will not let this go it is just the American way.     Having served I have seen the whites of people’s eyes when we served side by side and I can assure you that this is one of those times; so as I sit here to write this piece I only think of the un-expecting politician who have clog up our legal system with certain practices for their own agenda, will now have a big surprise on their hands.           If they think that it will be business as usual they have another thing coming, and if they think that another term is in the bucket for them well let us tip our hats and say goodbye to they now.          We are not going to stand for injustice and have the potential for another Troy Davis accruing on American soil, we need not let this thing happen but by no means will we have the real guilty men go free.  It is time to have a march and stand up for the rights of good Americans who deserve to have good representatives and strip the injustice out in the streets and while you hold your heart up trample injustice.
            It is not time to drew the line in the sand and make good by Troy Davis a man who with all the facts coming out may very well be a innocent Lamb who was slaughtered to serve one man’s agenda.  So if I may have said something that has got us up out of your chair then I have done my job, now that you are up do something; anything that you think you can or better yet find out what you can do to help revamp this corrupt system before maybe you be put on the fast track of improper justice or even death. But I do warn that when you take on to this fight, that you think well and hard and hold firm to that pendlem and make sure that it does not swing to far to the right or to far the left and because we can cause another kind of affect which you did not desire.

From the desk of:
Guy T Woods Sr September 23, 2011          

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