Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Not without a woman

By Guy T Woods Sr December 18, 2011

Women brace yourself, - - - Hold on tight to what I employ,
Have you given yourself due compensation to who you really are?
Walk up right! - - - Take a poised position,
Do not assume prehistoric postures or the labels that have been thrust on you for so many years,
Your souls were not made for that, to bear that shame!
Such ignorance was not meant for you! But it was cast your way through jealousy;
But why?
You are pure beauty, you should stand strong, your mothers are made from the richness of this earth, they are daughters of kings in their own right and have given you a true sense of equilibrium,
They gave you a sweet balance of culture not to be squandered, and passion and heart.

Whisper in the ears of your sons and daughters; place this gene carefully in their instruments; so that within each society they may be seen as great contributors,
Your children are the seeds of great and your daughters harness the breath of your ancestry within their wombs.
And your daughter’s breast, will feed life to nations, and touch this world in many ways, with gentle compassion, innovation, with literature that touches the heart and humanitarian efforts that heal lives and bring peace and so much more;
“Woman” do not let the ugliness of this world tarnish your brilliance or make a mockery of the richness within you!
You are not the absence of color you define what it is, and have placed your name on it in many colors and shades,
Be now defined, but not in teaching mediocrity but the fullness of who you really are, queens to be lifted up and placed on the shoulders of Good men,
Not an enigma but a living fact! that should be placed on the lips of mankind and in their hearts.

You are a precious star on earth, placed hear because spiritually, you desired to be here, and God made it possible!
And men should be aware that your power has no end, but you use it with purpose and with responsibility, never to abuse.
I applaud you because I see your potential and know who you are, I am your sons and daughters, I am in love with you; the real “You”!
And I will always be bound to you, I feed richly from your bosoms, (your heart’s lair) so feed me well woman (wisdom).
I have much years to go and miles to walk, and only you can truly love me the way I need to be loved and nurtured for I am your.
I need you to be “Woman in your fullness”

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