Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Facts are In ( The last man Standing)

The Last Man standing

            I have watched my brothers walk out their life and when I try to reason with them, I find some differences between myself and them.   I often wonder why!    Well! There are so many variables, so much in the way that I was brought up to be.   I held on to the distinct foundations that makes me, me!   I had a father who had not been the center of my life, and I found out that he had not been taught to be what I expected him to be; I was taught to love him and adore him and see him for the man that he tried to be.   I dearly love my father and I now know that he in turn loved me.        I pursued my father, I also pursued fatherhood, and it was just one of my family treats. I was taught the position is an honorable one; one to be held in high esteem and sometimes even if you are not one, it should be one to be held high in every man’s life.      I grew up with certain people as the shining examples in my life, men who paved the path for my nurturing and understanding to become a man (Good man).

            So what do I mean the last man standing? Well it has to do with what people find most lasting in a man’s character that carries over in the minds of people; as a memorable component of real men that this world has to offer.        What is it that we as men on a whole can do or become; that would change the mind set of how we are perceived to be, by most women and other people in general?        I am not saying that this is the consensus of all people, but there are a growing number of voices in our society, expressing concern of the way we conduct ourselves as men.          I think it is time to have a revolutionized shift, in favor of those men who live clean and up right lives.  We are here standing in the crowd!  We are amongst the living and we should be heard.           

I find it is the nature of good men to just keep on doing the right thing; and it does not matter what people think of us or what they say!  This is the type of man that is still here and can be found within our society and we stroll right here beside you.   We protect you, we serve you, and we also love you and we ask for nothing in return.    Sadly we (good men) have been getting bundled with those men, who are less than perfect, and who has spoiled our good names by the way they have treated this world wrongfully.  Our rewards for the kind of people we are, is wrapped up in a peace that we get, and an understanding that comes over us when we do things right.       It is a satisfaction that you can’t see or even hold. 

Our satisfaction is a mechanism that we are built with and we have a fashioned foundation that was given to us, from our mothers and fathers and the people in our lives.   People who did not settle on just saying no to this plague that taunts society , or settled in just teaching right and wrong but they were people who gave structure and meaning to our lives, to live with a higher sense of love that extends outside ourselves and a sense of caring for humanity.   A spiritual flavor that takes us to a higher call of life; these are just a sample of the qualities of what that is in these men (Good Men) I call them the last men standing.           I now call on other men, to be bold enough to see what they need to become, to aid this lost and dieing world; and set themselves on a course to become something better every day and not just stay an average person their entire lives.
By Guy T Woods sr August 11, 2011 Cc

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