Monday, December 26, 2011

In Search Of Life

Art Work Done by Leanne M Gardner

  In search of life

The topic does not really do justice to the body of this piece, and I say that because it is the hope of every man to live, and live well.                  I believe that we all try to find the path that will ultimately give us or lead us to true happiness; some may say that that thought is an illusion something made up and just does not exist.       The truth is it does exist and it is real but what do you consider to be happiness?           For each of us that reality is so different, so can I sum it up in this piece alone? The answer maybe confusing and long but I will try to be brief.

            True happiness comes in a few parts, in order to understand what it is I am saying please hear me out.            A man cannot be more than what he believes, and if that is so, then his foundation will be the basis by which he starts to build his entire life on (meaning that what he is given as right or wrong is his start and from there he or she begins to fill in the blanks). We sometimes abandon the very things we were given at childhood and go on a hunt for new ones, then with a quickness off we go to find out just who we are and we make some of the most horrifying mistakes in history, ones that should be placed in the Guinness Book of World Records (Real stupid one that make absolutely no sense at all).      We then arrive to a place where the search to happiness is on, then the second part of this quest can be the most fatal, if we don’t first have an open mind but I warn you not too open there are traps and snares (that is life and I promise you that you will fall for these tricks of life).            Or this can lead us down the rabbit hole and getting out of that can lead us to have broken dreams and become delusional, sad and a disappointment to everyone we want to impress, the first is ourselves.           

Happiness comes when you are pliable to live with a joyous attitude and an optimistic outlook on life, it does not come in a bottle or in someone else but when you find contentment with the mistakes you have made, knowing that you are not going to make them again and putting your efforts to leaving the old and reaching out for the new.    We tend to spend too much time waddling in sorrow and disappointment and shame of failures we made if you live after making a mistake then you have the great opportunity to win.      Please reach out for your happiness by always moving forward, having an open mind to new things and sometimes old things that have been proven to work. Don’t spend your time trifling things, stay on course to attain Happiness by making good bonds with people who see you in good light, and are interested in lifting you up and want to see you succeed in you endeavors, they are the ones who have your interest at heart and will make this life bearable; that my friend is true happiness and if you have another Idea please let me know because I do have an open mind and I do live optimistically and have no intention to settle.

Live long and prosper. J 

My Grandson's first Picture

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