Sunday, January 8, 2012

Listening the first part of love

Listening the first part of love

There are times that I have been look at as a person with great compassion, love and understanding from all walks of life both men and women, and I have had to sit back and think on what has just been said about me.       I have had the falls that pride walks before, and today I make sure that my steps are carefully thought out, but I am not perfect (I know that is silly of me to say lol J) But really this is how I have to carry myself or I will fall trap to that bad devise pride and fall again as do other men of power and great likeability.                       To get back to what want to convey to you, the things that I have found which makes me appealing to others is not smoke and mirrors or tricks; it is real as the sun in the sky.

The thing that I had to learn was very hard but not always experiencing the hurt and pain all by myself as some people do.  We can look at the old saying that experience being the greatest teacher, and find the truth in it; but the coiner of that famous saying or phrase left out one important thing, that is the last part of that saying which makes it complete.                 It goes like this and I quote myself, “Experience is the best teacher, “But”! you don’t have to experience it on your own, use the experiences of others and also the wisdom of those who have experienced life’s tragedies as teachers of things to be experienced”.  Now you will find that I try not to quote others, not to mean that I have not learned from others and their experiences, but I would prefer to place things in the way that I understand them, maybe someone can relate to my words as well, I do believe that we all can become the great teachers of experience’s voice and help to guide one another have a more meaningful life.

Now to tell you about one thing that I have learned in life and that is a small thing about love, it can make the difference in how people look at you, with respect or with contempt.       How? It is very simple; the way we treat one another can make one respect us or even see us as beautiful or ugly.            I am not in any way an ugly man (my opinion) but have had struggled with acceptance in groups such as with men and not so much with women, but I have found that being around women I have learned empathy in a big way.      I call it “learning how to listen” (not solve problems as most people think, but just listen, hear the other person and say yes I understand!) It is a learned skill, an Art if you will something to be desired for all people and sex.        I like it, it is now part of me but I have also found that it is only a part of the big picture of the act of “Love”, and cannot be rushed and it takes time to acquire the Art; Love is huge, and we all are made with love and of love and to be loved; we have the great potential to become love, but we first have to listen.    We all can be called beautiful because of love but it is a process that starts with listening with a loving heart.            Please go and experience Love, in the hurt it can bring, in the joy, the passion that we can find in it and all the of the ins and outs of love but do start with becoming a good listener, the key is to listen with your heart not your mind.          Funny thing is that we will find out that God our creator listens to our hearts, not our minds or even our actions, it is from the heart that wickedness comes and becomes an action, and it is also from the heart comes true Love and compassion and Joy which also becomes our actions as well.             I believe that if we can cure the heart of the wicked things, then we will see the truth of the love that we are made in and the love that can be attained which lays dormant in the dept of our hearts, it is a gene that we all are born with. Please read The Proverbs of the Bible and listen with the heart you will be guided to learn from David and Solomon great Kings of Israel.  

Here is a poem as a gift to enjoy and pass along to someone you Love.
“I was made to love you”!

I was made to Love you,
Made and fashioned in the great Image of Love - - - (God)!
Made to look at you as a perfect and most beautiful act of “Love”,
You! - - - also created because of “love” and to be loved!
I have fallen into that “love” which explains me and just who I am;
I was defiantly made to “Love” you!
I know that now, - - - but did not while in my youth,
My purpose has come full circle, to end up Loving you, - - -
Just the “Truth”!

I thought that in loving you,
I would not be free!
Ha, - - -
Loving you is Liberating!
I now know how the Eagles feel on currents of hot air,
It is the hot breath of “God” that keeps them there, - - - It is His design,
Creator of mankind!
And when I love like the way God has taught me to,
I find that I am propelled, slingshot into a world outside myself, - - -and I am free,

And the world seeks to touch me, they want to know me?
To know me? - - - the world wants to hold me? - - -
And it calls me beautiful? - - - it calls me heart felt,
It calls me “Love”, sweet;
These are words I never heard before describing (me)! Words I have been fighting for to hear said;
My “War” is now over, I have won my battle to find freedom,
I may not be liked by everyone (jealousy) but - - - I am respected!
I am not over prideful, but I am now aware of my purpose,
I can now do what comes naturally to me,
Because I found worth! - - -
“I was made to Love you”!

By Guy T Woods Sr
January 8, 2012

From The Desk Of
Guy T Woods Sr

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